Non-constructive Reasoning in Computational Dependent Type Theory (draft)

We extend the observational calculus of constructions $CC_{obs}$ of Pujet and Tabareau by a non-constructive modality ‖_‖ᶜ: an idempotent monad into the universe of computationally irrelevant types Ω allowing for non-constructive an ε operator in a fenced fragment of the calculus without compromising its good computational properties. We extend the proofs of normalization, canonicity and decidability of type- and proof checking by original authors as well as their set theoretical model, so that $CC_{obs}$ + ‖_‖ᶜ with $n$ universes can be modelled and proven consistent in the set theory ZFC with $n$ inaccessables. We also show that the a particular model $V_n$ of the set theory [Werner97] inside $CC_{obs}$ + ‖_‖ᶜ with $n + 1$ universes models ZFC with $n$ strong inaccessables.

We propose to refine the set theoretic model of $CC_{obs}$ + ‖_‖ᶜ by modelling Ω with Heyting algebra of sets of a Grothendieck universe $V_κ$, and propose an embedding of the type-theoretic set model $V$ into Ω by Zakharyaschev subframe canonical formulae, so that sets in the type-theoretic model $V$ are represented precisely by the very same sets in the set theoretic model of $CC_{obs}$ + ‖_‖ᶜ, proving $V$ to be a ‖_‖ᶜ-faithful model of ZFC, and thus $CC_{obs}$ + ‖_‖ᶜ with countably infinite hierarchy of universes to be a conservative extension of ZFC with countably many strong inaccessibles.

§ The Non-Constructive Modality

The non-constructive modality is a type-former ‖_‖ᶜ : ∗ → Ω with the following introduction rule

 Γ ⊢ T    Γ, εᵀ : ‖T‖ᶜ → T ⊢ prf : P
         Γ ⊢ |prf|ᶜ : ‖P‖ᶜ

In type theories not validating the uniqueness of identifications (UIP) for all types (these in particular include all univalent type theories), a refined definition is required:

 Γ ⊢ T    Γ, εᵀ : ‖T‖ᶜ → ‖T‖ᵁᴵᴾ ⊢ prf : ‖P‖
         Γ ⊢ |prf|ᶜ : ‖P‖ᶜ

where ‖_‖ : 𝒰ⁿ → 𝒰ⁿ is the propositional truncation operator (NB: it does not move types into Ω!) and ‖_‖ᵁᴵᴾ : 𝒰ⁿ → 𝒰ⁿ is the 0-truncation operator. This is necessary for two reasons: firstly, otherwise it would be possible to derive a contradiction between choice and univalence in the context containing ε’s, thus rendering the sub-universe ‖_‖ᶜ of non-constructively valid propositions inconsistent (every two of them would be equal than, including ‖1‖ᶜ = ‖0‖ᶜ). Secondly, so that is possible to derive

    prf : ∃(x̲ : X) P(x)
 |prf|ᶜ : ‖Σ(x̲ : X) P(x)‖ᶜ

Note that all proofs below hold for both the refined and the non-refined definition.

The non-constructive modality is defined precisely as to validate the axiom of choice. Let’s derive choice under the ‖_‖ᶜ modality in its shortest form (The HoTT Book, Lemma 3.8.2). Assume X satisfies X = ‖X‖ᵁᴵᴾ and Y(x) a type family over X satisfying Y(x) = ‖Y(x)‖ᵁᴵᴾ (the last proposition can be only stated in this simple form because X satisfies UIP). Now observe

ac : ‖Π(x̲ : X) ‖Y(x)‖ → ‖Π(x̲ : X)Y(x)‖‖ᶜ
ac := | f̲ ↦ |x̲ ↦ ε (f x)| |ᶜ

Actually, we can either remove the requirement that Y(x) = ‖Y(x)‖ᵁᴵᴾ is or remove the propositional truncation on the right side, but not both.

Consider another form of axiom of choice (X and Y(x) are again required to satisfy UIP, P to be propositional)

∀(x̲ : X) ∃(y̲ : Y) P(x, y)   →   ‖∃(y̲ : X → Y) ∀(x̲ : X) P(x, y(x))‖ᶜ

which reads in words, “if for each x : X there is y : Y such that P(x, y) holds, non-constructively there is a function y : X → Y that assigns to each x a value y(x) such that P(x, y(x)) holds”.

                        prf : Π(x̲ : X) ∃(y̲ : Y) P(x, y)
 |x̲ : X ↦ (ε |(prf x).fst|ᶜ), x̲ : X ↦ (prf x).snd|ᶜ : ‖Σ(y̲ : X → Y) ∀(x̲ : X) P(x, y(x))‖ᶜ

Let us denote the above term as ac2. Let

ttdi := |p̲r̲f̲ ↦ ε ac|ᶜ
ttdo : ‖Π(x̲ : X) ∃(y̲ : Y) P(x, y) → Σ(y̲ : X → Y) Π(x̲ : X) P(x, y(x))‖ᶜ

ttdi is the so called Type-theoretical Description Axiom from [Werner97]

Let us show that ‖_‖ᶜ is idempotent and a monad:

    p : ‖X‖ᶜ
 |p|ᶜ : ‖‖X‖ᶜ‖ᶜ

    p : ‖‖X‖ᶜ‖ᶜ
 |ε (ε p)|ᶜ : ‖X‖ᶜ

Since `‖X‖ᶜ : Ω`, these conversions are automatically inverses to each other

The map (x̲ : T ↦ |x|ᶜ) is the modal unit. The induction principle is given by

          f : Π(x̲ : A) ‖B(|x|ᶜ)‖ᶜ
 (u̲ : ‖A‖ᶜ ↦ |f(ε u)|ᶜ ) : Π(u̲ : ‖A‖ᶜ) ‖B(u)‖ᶜ

Since ‖_‖ᶜ : Ω, unit and induction vacously satisfy monadic unit laws

It is quite easy to show that ‖_‖ᶜ validates modus ponens and generalization inference rules:

 x : ‖X‖ᶜ    f : ‖X → Y‖ᶜ
————————————————————————— ‖_‖ᶜ-MP
   |ε(f) ε(x)|ᶜ : ‖X‖ᶜ

        f : Π(x̲ : T) ‖P(x)‖ᶜ
—————————————————————————————————————— ‖_‖ᶜ-Gen
 |x̲ : T ↦ ε(f x)|ᶜ : ‖Π(x̲ : T) P(x)‖ᶜ

Now it only remains to validate Hilbert axioms P1-I9 to show that ‖_‖ᶜ implements the whole classical first-order logic. Since all of them except P4 are valid intuitionistically, they can be derived by plugging the λ-terms witnessing them into |_|ᶜ.

The only remaining axiom is P4. Its proof is essentially the Diaconescu’s theorem:

 TODO : ‖(¬Y → ¬X) → (X → Y)‖ᶜ

Let us additionally show that for propositional P (does not work for non-propositional P)

 ‖Σ(x̲ : T) ¬P(x)‖ᶜ
 ‖¬Π(x̲ : T) P(x)‖ᶜ


 ‖Π(x̲ : T) ¬P(x)‖ᶜ
 ‖¬Σ(x̲ : T) P(x)‖ᶜ

QL := (s̲ : ‖Σ(x̲ : T) ¬P(x)‖ᶜ) ↦
|(p̲ : Π(x̲ : T) P(x)) ↦
(ε s) match (x̲, y̲) ↦ y p(x)|ᶜ

QR := (p̲ : ‖Π(x̲ : T) ¬P(x)‖ᶜ) ↦
|(s̲ : Σ(x̲ : T) P(x)) ↦
s̲ match (x̲, p̲) ↦ (ε p) x p|ᶜ

By composing QL, QR and DNE (double negation elimination) we make the full circle, thus both QL and QR are in fact isomorphisms.

Now we have all required results to state that for every theorem φ provable in ZFC there is a proof prf : ‖φⱽ‖ᶜ, where is φⱽ the translation of the theorem φ into the type-theoretic model of set theory model as proposed by Benjamin Werner in [Werner97].